Mission Statement

Campus Life at UMBC significantly shapes the student experience. From getting involved in campus events to joining student organizations, from exploring diverse cultures to learning about spiritual practices, from shaping new leaders to serving local communities, from fraternity and sorority bonds to Student Government board meetings – students create their Campus Life. Students are the reason for it, they make it happen, and they create it with their passions, ideas, dialogues, and programs. Through involvement in the countless student activities, students have the opportunities to meet new people, try new things, and engage in learning opportunities that complement their academic experiences.

Our department facilitates a student-centered learning environment that fosters a welcoming, safe and inclusive campus culture.  We cultivate self-aware, engaged global citizens and leaders through developmental opportunities and applied learning. We strengthen relationships between members of our vibrant community through an ethic of care and service.

Campus Life is one of many campus departments which form the Division of Student Affairs.