Let’s Get Reel: Trans Day of Remembrance Film Night
Featuring Trans Films
University Center : 201D
Date & Time
November 21, 2022, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
The Let's Get Reel: Intersectional Film Discussion Series seeks to explore how filmmakers from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences make meaning of their various social identities through the lens of race. How does education, religion, national origin, generation, socioeconomic status, ability status, sexual orientation and gender identity get impacted by our racialized realities here in the U.S. and globally? How can films be tools for disrupting harmful images and false narratives? How can filmmakers help us imagine new pathways to achieve equity, justice and collective liberation for all of humanity?
Join us for our first session of Let's Get Reel: Intersectional Film Discussion Series. Our focus for this evening will be in connection to Trans Day of Remembrance. Our film will be determined by poll via our Instagram.
If you need to request a disability-based accommodation or have any questions? Contact us at i3b@umbc.edu. For our uploaded event recordings, attendee lists, works cited, and other materials, please check out our Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging (i3b) Events Drive. Materials will be available in this Google Drive within one business week after the event unless otherwise specified.