PBM: What Does it Mean to Be Intersex?
A Biological and Social Perspective on Intersex Identity
The Commons : 331
Date & Time
March 25, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Pawsitive Bodies & Minds (PBM) Week is composed of multidisciplinary programming, highlighting the intersections between cross-cultural diversity, identity, health and medicine. This week of programming engages UMBC community members to think about diversity and inclusion in a different way, specifically on the important role that identity plays into the health of our bodies and minds. This year includes a focus on various identities and practices that affect our physical well-being, such as class (SES), race, sex, and self-care.
At this event we explore what it means to be intersex by exploring the different types of intersex phenotypes that exist, and the related health topics associated with Intersex. We will look at cellular reproduction and gene expression to detail intersex. The second half will focus on the social construction of the sexual binary that impact the lived experiences of intersex individuals.
All undergrads, grads, staff, and faculty are encouraged to attend! Need to request disability-based accommodations or have any questions? Contact Mark Gabriana (mgabri3@umbc.edu), Mosaic Intern for East Asian and Pacific Islander Student Engagement and Erin Waddles (waddles@umbc.edu) Coordinator for Student Diversity and Inclusion or Campus Life's Mosaic at mosaic@umbc.edu.