What's The Tea? : Who is "Karen"?
More than just a meme
Date & Time
November 18, 2020, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
This series is geared towards exploring social justice needs for various marginalized populations. We all talk about how diverse UMBC is but, what does that mean in reality? How does it show up in how we communicate and interact with each other? When does celebrating diversity shift into inclusivity that creates positive social change in and outside our campus community? This series hopes to help us grapple with these questions. Join us for a facilitated discussion of these topics, voice your opinions, and hear those of your fellow community members.
This session will explore the creation of the term "Karen" and who it applies to, as it relates to gender, race, and the distribution of privilege and power in connection to its contemporary use. All undergrads, grads, staff, faculty, and alumni are encouraged to attend! For any questions, please email Carlos Turcios, Coordinator for Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging at carlos6@umbc.edu or i3b@umbc.edu.
Join us: Direct BlackBoard Collaborate Link. | Click "going" if you are planning to attend.
For our uploaded event recordings, attendee lists, works cited, and other materials, please check out our Mosaic, Interfaith, and Pride Centers Events Folder. Materials will be available in this Google Drive within one business week after the event unless otherwise specified.