Black & Latine/x Senior & Graduate Celebration
An time Celebrate UMBC Black & Latine/x Graduating Students
Date & Time
May 4, 2021, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
We are excited to announce our newest collaboration with the Chapter of Black and Latino Alumni (CBLA) for the revival of the Black and Latine/x Senior and Graduate Graduation Ceremony. Last celebrated in 2016, this evening event celebrates the wonderful achievements of UMBC’s Black and Latina/e/o/x graduating seniors and graduate students. Black and Latine/x students have been historically underrepresented in post-secondary degree attainment and overcome incredible odds to succeed and make an invaluable contribution to the wider UMBC community.
This ceremony is in recognition of this milestone of our Black and Latine/x students as well as an evening to be in community with all the staff, faculty, alumni, and loved ones that have supported them. Seniors and graduate students graduating in Spring and Fall 2021 will be recognized and receive a Black and Brown honor cords, as well as a special CBLA Black and Brown pin! To receive your Black and Brown honor cords and pin, please fill out our Lavender and Black & Latine/x Celebration Social Media Campaign + Graduation Package Form. DEADLINE to receive cords: April 29th, 2021 at 9:00a.m.
Please RSVP at to receive the event link.
Family and friends of graduates are encouraged to attend. You won't want to miss this! Our i3b staff strives to create the most inclusive environment possible. All undergrads, grads, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members are welcome to attend! If you need to request a disability-based accommodation or have any questions? Contact us at and For our uploaded event recordings, attendee lists, works cited, and other materials, please check out our Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion and Belonging (i3b) Events Drive. Materials will be available in this Google Drive within one business week after the event unless otherwise specified.
Please also follow The UMBC Chapter of Black and Latino Alumni social media pages HERE!