UMBC Prescription Drug Take Back Initiative
Drop your unwanted, unused or expired prescription drugs!
On Campus
Date & Time
April 29, 2015, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Drop of off your unwanted, unused or expired prescription drugs for safe disposal and to help prevent abuse!
UHS will be collaborating with OCSS at their Commuter Carnival Event on Wednesday, April 29th in Commons Building.
Drug Take Back Stations:
Commuter Carnival
Wednesday, April 29th @ The Quad from 11am-2pm
Additional Stations:
University Health Services front desk
All week (Apr 27- May 1) @ UHS on the Ground Floor of Erickson Hall. (Across from Chesapeake Hall on Center Road)
More than 7 million Americans currently abuse prescription drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including the home medicine cabinet.
UHS wants to provide a venue for persons who want to safely dispose of unwanted and unused prescription drugs.
For more info, contact Mickey Irizarry: